- Price: $69.00
- 147 pages including narrative, charts, graphs and tables
- Executive style presentation with 14 chapters
- Site Licenses also available
Are you new to the managed care industry, or does your organization anticipate new hires without prior managed care experience? The Managed Care Primer is the highly effective, affordable and easy to use e-learning application that can quickly and easily raise a users’ managed care IQ.
Chapters in the Primer include:
- Overview
- Financing
- Purchasers
- Organizations
- Delivery Systems
- Benefits
- Care Management
- Structure
- Specialty Organizations
- Marketing
- Legal & Regulatory
- Data
- Value Based Care
- Consumerism
Click here to view sample pages from the Primer. The Managed Care Training Primer is available for $69 as an electronic pdf. Order above or to order by phone call 209.577.4888.
Contact MCOL to request a site license quote for your organization. The Primer is also available as a component of the comprehensive Managed Care Training Manual that includes more advanced modules, videos and quizzes.