HealthExecWeek provides a weekly wealth of business intelligence and insights covering the spectrum of subjects filling the arena of managed care. Because doing business in the world of managed care today isn’t siloed, neither is our coverage. You will be able to stay a step ahead in a healthcare business environment where all subject matter lines seem to blue and cross over to the next.
Each weekly issue of HealthExecWeek includes pages with articles and features dedicated to coverage of Accountable Care, Value Based Payments, Population Health and Healthcare Analytics, plus a summary of key healthcare business News Headlines. What’s more, throughout the month, rotating sections are included with articles and other features including the:
- Health Plan Brief
- Medicare Advantage News
- Managed Medicaid News
- Managed Market Rx News
- Consumer Driven Care Dispatch
- Tech Healthcare News
HealthExecWeek coverage is provided by seasoned editors as well as bylined articles and commentary from industry experts, and insightful content features from MCOL, your healthcare business digital media source since 1995. View the view sample issue content.
Subscribers also have access to an online archive of all back issues, including predecessor publications Accountable Care News, Care Analytics News, Medical Home News, Population Health News and Value Based Payment News, going as far back as 2008.
HealthExecWeek provides eight pages each issue, 49 weeks per year* and Is available with the following payment options
- Annual - $468
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* No issues are published Thanksgiving week or two weeks around the year-end holiday period.