Corporate Site Licenses

Corporate Pricing, Terms and Conditions

Individual vs. Corporate Site License Pricing

  • Individual registrations cover a single connection.
  • Multiple persons may listen via speaker for the individual registration fee. 
  • Each individual receives a unique login/dial-in ID that is not re-useable. 
  • Corporate pricing is available when registrations are desired for more than one connection.

Corporate Site License Attendee Registrations

  • Organizations individually register all participants for web access and e-mail delivery unless arranged otherwise with MCOL, but corporate pricing will apply based on the number of employees registered


  • Corporate pricing is only available to single organizations, or parent organizations and their affiliates.
  • Professional Associations or other groups of separate organizations may not combine for corporate pricing.

Pricing Schedule

Events Priced at $195 Individually: Site License pricing for one of any $195 individual events is based upon the number of covered connections, according to the following table

Price Schedule

Covered Connections Total Price
Under 10 $575.00
10-29 $1,325.00
30-74 $2,925.00
75-174 $6,100.00
175-249 $8,275.00
250+ Call for quote


Equivalent Price per employee and total savings compared to individual $195.00 price*:

Covered Connections Price per Connection Total Savings
Under 10 $115.00 $400.00
10-29 $66.25 $2,575.00
30-74 $56.25 $5,265.00
75-174 $48.80 $18,275.00
175-249 $39.03 $33,065.00

* based upon the midpoint of employees in each range

Events Priced at $295 Individually: Site License pricing for one of any $295 individual events is based upon the number of covered connections, according to the following table

Price Schedule

Covered Connections Total Price
Under 10 $870.00
10-29 $2,005.00
30-74 $4,425.00
75-174 $9.230.00
175-249 $12,525.00
250+ Call for quote


Equivalent Price per employee and total savings compared to individual $295.00 price*:

Covered Connections Price per Connection Total Savings
Under 10 $174.00 $605.00
10-29 $100.25 $3,895.00
30-74 $88.50 $10,325.00
75-174 $73.84 $27,645.00
175-249 $59.64 $49,425.00

* based upon the midpoint of employees in each range